This type of advice covers several areas of law that are common for almost all business activities and most companies have to tackle them during their daily operations. Very often, we advise clients from the very first day they start their operations in Slovakia – when they officially incorporate their businesses – and apart from helping them decide which corporate form suits them best, we advise them on how to manage relations with their shareholders or among their group companies. Here, we put our extensive M&A experience to good use. An indispensable element of our services is obtaining the necessary permits and approvals on behalf of our clients. Once a business is up and running, we are ready to provide day-to-day advice, which usually encompasses a wide range of issues, such as supplier/customer relations and labour law. The backbone of our advice to companies is corporate law, handling miscellaneous contractual obligations (contract law) and labour law (including compliance), as these are areas of interest for all businesses and investors. Issues of competition protection remain of interest and, currently, data protection (GDPR) has become a hot topic. If needed, we represent clients in litigations or proceedings before state agencies. Specification: